
Overgrown or grown over spilling and free? 

Stretched out thin/ 

or outstretched and reaching, catching, soft landing for what falls in our spread? 

Trapped / or escaping



or adaptable? A little bit of thanatosis* if you will. Survival. Skill. 

A crawl is faster than 



* According to a swift Wikipedia search thanatosis is colloquially known as Apparent Death (no wonder it feels like for twenty years I was a ghost)  this form of animal deception is an adaptive behavior often used as a defense mechanism. Some of us have to fight, some have to take flight, and many of us have to freeze/ play dead/ we do what we do 

as long as we can/ 
as long as we have to. 

This life. 

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  1. Very thought provoking-love the imagery

  2. Love this, and you.
    Also thank you for the definition because I was definitely going to have to look that one up! ;)


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