I do all my best crying in the shower.

In this house the bathroom is literally the only room you can be alone, so. 

And I don't like crying where people can see.

I don't like to ask for help. I should be able to handle this myself. I don't need anyone to see me need*. Don't be obscene. Don't be extra. Don't be.

When I was a kid I remember hearing that Vanna White once said that you could just open your mouth in the shower and use it as a water pik. Now you know way too much about my shower habits and that makes me uncomfortable. 

*a poem shook life-changing sense back into focus for me. That knot in your shoulder, lump in your throat... those things can dislodge and things can feel okay again. Read Kate Baer's What Kind Of Woman and give it away as gifts.


  1. Thank you for the book recommendation. It sounds like just what I need.


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