life is what happens while your phone is charging

That's when it's time to get things done. Or if you're like me you just grab your laptop. 

I can write while my bagel cools.

One of the constants in my life is that I get way more enjoyment out of whatever it is I am doing if I am also getting something else done at the same time. WHY. 

I've been listening to the Something Was Wrong podcast and have found it to be rather deep at reaching parts of me that still hadn't awakened to my own history and experiences growing up and marrying in the church I knew. Kind of like uncovering some answers to questions I didn't know I should have been asking. As an explorer in this life let me tell you that the revelations keep coming if you allow them to. 

I'm keeping a list, of the things done to me or that I witnessed that I know now are wrong and were extremely damaging to my self. It is incredibly validating and feels a lot like healing. I'm sure I'll do something more with the list as I go on but for right now I don't want to forget how comforting this feels, and how necessary. 


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