
There are things that I forget to count as wins in my day. I have a playlist of songs that I use for vocal warmups- often while I’m driving or sometimes on the couch while I work with my earbuds in. I try to run through them every day, at least a few songs. Then James and I do try to find time once a day to run through a set of songs together - current set list is Carey-Comes a Time- California- Friend of the Devil. And even if it’s just the two of us in an empty living room concert for the rest of our lives I’m glad I practice this daily. My voice is stronger and we get better each time. When live theater comes back I definitely want to audition for something the first chance I get.

 (I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before but my ex had a disdain regarding me doing any acting and told me he would refuse to watch me if I did, so I gave that up for the longest time. I shouldn’t have done that. I wish I could have been strong enough to hold on to the things I didn’t want to let go. I’m stronger and know better now.)


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