So we all felt loved in some way today?

I have fifteen minutes before I was going to start making dinner so I'm commandeering this time to write. I'm going to make the feta tomato pasta recipe that went viral on TikTok and I probably saw something about it on Instagram because I don't have TikTok. I'm making it gluten free and we'll see if it's really worth writing home about.

I have had a bout of insomnia this week. Waking up at 2:31 am two nights in a row what does it mean? 

Despite all that, I had an early start to my day, driving with the sunrise behind me to some new properties for work. Gorgeous mountain views. The trees sparkled this morning and the mountains have to be one of the reasons the PNW hosts so many writers and stories. 

I took some photos on my phone for my boss' instagram to share later. I checked in on one of my favorite clients and made plans for a socially distanced coffee meet up. These are my favorite parts of the job.

A coworker and I caught up in passing, ran down the updates with how we're doing, the kids, school. How we feel like we are keeping everyone together while we continue to give give give of ourselves. 

My head will get to my pillow and I retrace the steps in my day. Did I hug Carter today? Did I ever get to look Luna in the eyes? It can make my heart drop again and again. Did I provide them shelter and food today? Yes. Did all of us get multiple love sessions with our dog Penny many times throughout the entire day and night? Yes. So we all felt loved in some way today? Yes. Ok goodnight.


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