New March

It’s a purple morning from what I can see slipping through the bedroom blinds, I layered the blankets on the bed last night to be the perfect mix of weight, warmth, and un-bunchiness and I’m going to stay here as long as I can. I search Google for sleep snorkels so I can nuzzle into James’ chest and still be covered up but able to breathe. Sounds like it’s an idea but not a true invention, at least nothing comfortable enough from what I can tell. 

Am I ready to face this day? In a little bit I’m going to drive to get Luna & Ivy from their dads. I’m going to to stop by Starbucks on the way. That will cheer me up. I gingerly check my Facebook memories. Did I start posting about quarantine around this time last year? Nothing yet. I need to message their dad about some summer dates. Dread. I have done nothing wrong but why does it feel like I have when I need any response from him even if it’s just a confirmation of days on a calendar? I did text the other day but looks like I’m going to have to write an email today. I also want to get a whole bunch of fresh veggies to cut up and maybe start a more regular snack schedule. Put a little more effort in. I think I can muster it for March. 


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