Never is not the right time

There are times I want to write but it feels like a Brillo pad between me and the words, and it's uncomfortable so out of self care I avoid the discomfort and give myself room to take my time and write when you can, take it easy, don't rush, don't feel guilty this isn't your fault you need to conserve your energy. But Brillo pads are super useful if you've got some tough work to do and  I think about it and I'm like, yeah, I need to feel the scrubbing because it's the only way to get clean, or remove the dead...

Sometimes things die on us and we are so downtrodden we don't rid ourselves of what isn't giving us life. We act like it's part of us now. It will take forever to get anywhere if we don't get rid of this insignificant weight. Are you in the present? Is it from the past? It is no longer.  

I'm going to forget this the moment I click publish. I will start from the bottom every day, learning all over again. Practice practice and you get stronger. It's going to stick this time. 


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