how much time and what can I do to make it fit
These things happen to me. I need to get a new tire, all new tires really and just have not yet. So it's a lot of trips checking the air in my tires at the gas station until I get this fixed. And last time the little cap for the tire valve went ploop right into my hubcap and apparently lost forever. I added a trip to Auto Zone for more caps to my never ending to-do list and you guessed it, haven't made it there yet.
Well this morning when I was airing up the ol' tires again I saw a smooshed cap on the ground. Hmm I wondered if that one was mine... and then I thought I should just take a look around that whole area. And I found a cap in some leaves up against the curb that happened to fit just fine in place of my missing one. So, win? Felt like it at least!
We all have the same amount of time each day, and we move in and out of it how we do. For me, in the early hours I'm booking every minute solid. Getting ready for work while fixing breakfast for Ivy and Luna (something I look forward to doing- this is a gratitude item), stopping by the office real quick after I drop Luna off at school to start my morning routine before I have to take Ivy to school. Sometimes I even sneak in a supermarket sweep 10 minutes spree for groceries in that time, too (for example, like I did today and when paying at the register I realized that I left my debit card IN THE AIR PUMP at the gas station and when I made it back there yes someone had turned it in and oh they did put it in the safe which is timed and I had to wait 15 minutes until the manager could open it up again.) I make it work.
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