fine-tooth comb

 Why isn't it normal and brave and inspiring admirable to be someone who quits so artfully, or completely fall apart-ly doesn't matter... just why isn't that considered 

When some people are praised and raised to go big at the beginning, make it your thing and then figure it out later and Make It Work, make it fit even if it doesn't. That doesn't sound comfortable or good. What if it doesn't figure out? Then just fake it/force it? For what? To what end? 

I mean, I get the "power" of being strong enough to keep going keep pushing through but not everything. ? How badass is the person who gets that far in and is like, I know I put in all this time and work and I will have nothing to show for all this but it is not going to get a good result and pushing through will not change the result, it will just cause more discomfort and loss of time you can never get back or create more of, so let's cut our losses. It sucks but now we get another chance to get a better result at the end of whatever we start next and maybe we can stop dreading every single day we are alive. 

I was born with a fine-tooth comb. Prepackaged Predisposition. And no one asked, why does this baby need a fine tooth comb? She doesn't even have hair. 

No one ever took it away. Today my finger runs across a gut punch sized hole created by the loss of someone, anyone, taking it away/ Or even noticing that this child should not be going through life with a fine tooth comb. She's advanced. She's so in tune. She's got so much potential. Someone help her or get her help. 

Today I use a wide tooth comb, I have never used a regular comb because it doesn't work with my hair and for as long as I can remember I have run a plastic wide tooth perm pick through my wet hair after every shower. That thing could never hurt a baby.


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