Four minutes

Four minutes until the pasta is done for the salad I'm making to go with tonight's dinner. I am home on a break from work real quick and getting done what I can. Threw some dog/couch blankets in the washer. Finally located and filled out my ballot and will drop it off on the way to rehearsal tonight. 

A couple minutes to write. I know I could be having the kids help more, doing meals, grocery runs, but I make it work. What if I didn't have to make it anything? I know I need to get ahead of this. I was able to fit in a supermarket sweep at the store in between school drop offs, when else would I be able to? And so good to get it done already. And really sweet convo with the cashier, too. I feel better when I start the day positive and productive.

The fog has hung here all day. Makes the mountains smoky, everything very storybook, filtered, and sleepy. I am so tired inside and out. 

Thinking a lot about how "a mother is only as happy as her saddest child". And how I wish that weren't so for me, I am sure there is a way for me to be me, with my soft loving heart, and still happy if my kid or someone I love is struggling. Currently as of moments ago I'm on an upswing from a little bit of a low, dark time with Luna. I know we always climb out, but it's torture on the way. And feels so much better when things are right again. 



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