I am (the) well

I don’t have to reach for everything. 

some things will be out of your reach, no matter how much you think you want it, and that's not a bad thing. 

Either you’re just not there yet 

or you’re just not there 

Tight and balled up

while being pulled in a thousand directions

Everything is 

Far away and at the same time crushing me 

I see the memes. I see the shares, posts, it’s in the language now, we are wellness mental health aware all knowing. 

I tell my kids, I comment to everyone (in my head)

“Quit returning to the well that is dry

quit returning to any well that is not you”

And keep your own well filled.

How are you doing? So that you can say to it I am well. I am the well. My well is full. 

In moments like now in the morning before I want to be up 

I’m thankful for this quiet. It drowns out everything that needs to get done, and prepares a place - a space 

I should list what I’m thankful for, I backspace over the *should and scroll up to see where else I’ve said it, then I put it back. And I’m so annoyed that we aren’t allowed to say should anymore, that it’s a sign of weakness and an indicator of what level in life I’m in, “I’m hearing a lot of shoulds” - is it really a marker of where I’m at with my healing 

oh my god can we just get a break? 

I dream all night about work or the play, I’m very in the moment. But how to be in the moment when you’re surrounded by reminders of your past. How to be in the moment while you’re actually cleaning up the messes of before. What if I want to carry some of it with me? I need to keep moving forward. Believe me there are lots of stops to rest along the way. 

When you get your pillow just right, 

that is something I’m so thankful for. My arms and legs in a position that doesn’t make me question where to put them when I sleep, with the right amount of blanket on top. Silence except for sleeping sounds- to hear James asleep next to me, Penny dreaming at our feet, the hum-roar of the box fan, the heat kicking on, the dehumidifier running. 

Everything is going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay. 

I’m proud of myself. I keep remembering, like literally I forgot and then feel a rush inside at the revelation that I *should be proud, that I *am making choices that are moving me forward, that I am doing things that are true to me, for me. 

I am so inside my head and that’s okay 

I’m in there but

I’m not in hiding



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