my warning lights up my life

 I am thankful for the moment of clarity I discovered while digging in the junk drawer looking to replace the batteries in the TV remote. We've popped the left one out and back in for the last time. It's dead. 

Who is checking mine? Who is taking care of me? Reminder, only me. And I am not going to dread that thought or let it drag me down with guilt that I'm not better at it. I'm thanking myself for noticing the dimming lights, the caution signals, the empty signs and am looking forward to putting myself first. And out of everyone I'm pretty damn amazing at taking care of people. So I'm lucky I have me.


  1. I'm pretty damn amazing at taking care of people too, and it's a good reminder that I'm included in that. I get overwhelmed with being alone and having so much caring for others to do.


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