The cast list has been posted!

 The cast list for The Thanksgiving Play at the Majestic Theatre has been posted

Of course, I already knew I was cast to play the part of Logan, notified by the director via email, but this makes it official official. First time I have "made the cast" since email notification times omg it's been a while. 

It's a "Readers' Theatre" production which means that I do not have to memorize my lines, and this is all new to me! We are still acting on stage (no masks required for performers only while on stage) and have these little scripts that we will have in our hand the whole time. I've heard it feels super natural after a bit. Honestly nice to not have so much pressure because it's 90 minutes on stage with no breaks.

I didn't have rehearsal tonight, which was a nice little break to just veg out. I have had back to back Zoom parent/teacher conferences the past 3 days and am zapped. I made an awesome dinner of pan fried noodles and broccoli for the kids, which is a way I tend to find myself decompressing after work. Of course there are MANY days I don't have it in me but on the days that I do, I love it so much and I don't even have to convince myself that I love it because it's something I have to do. Not like that at all. I put on music and just get lost in cooking for a bit and there's always a positive result at the end. I will eventually give up the reins in the kitchen and the kids do know how to make stuff for themselves because again see MANY DAYS. When I can notice that I do have my life in me again and energy to get shit done, it's so encouraging.

We sat on the couch watching Jeopardy and I kept catching myself being aware of certain moments, like in play practice the other night when I felt myself outside of my body noticing how I am staying present and then I kind of alert myself to it- "you're doing it! you're being in the moment right now stay there, do not rush, and don't let this alert take you out of it!" We sat there watching TV bundled up and I commented on Mayim's suit for the episode - I always look forward to what glasses, hairstyle, or outfit she will choose. "Ooh it's a pantsuit" when the camera pans out to show her full look as she walked back to the podium. "I was expecting a skirt but love the pants." I am this person and this is my life and it was good. 

Later Ivy and I stretched out at either end of the couch and read. She's finishing Be More Chill and I just started Mexican Gothic. It was peak hygge and it was exactly how and where I want us to be, another one of those reassuring moments saying this is what you wanted and you're doing it. 


  1. I wish I could come see your show. And I love that you are the person you are. I like the glimpse into your brain.


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