Time to say it

2022 was the year I thought Peeps tasted good. In a moment of feeling inadequate about my paltry Easter morning offering for the kids, I picked up a package of yellow bunnies. And I think I am the only one who had any. Since having Covid a few months ago my taste and smell are still kind of weird. So I don't know if they are supposed to taste like anything other than sugar dust and softness? 

I was messaging with Heather — friend and co-host of a new podcast (with me)  about how I’ve been super stressed over a couple of my kids… I get off work and then clock in to try to cheer them up or at least make them feel supported. This morning I asked myself, what are you going to do for yourself today, this week? Someday? I can’t think of anything other than wishing I could run away somewhere. 

But with them, with my people. Always. Just, maybe a moment in time that I’m not needed for a little while because everything is all right. 

We never stop. And what if that is just how we are? Quit trying to “fix” what’s not broken yet. Let it break on its own, or not. Maybe we never stop because we are unstoppable and so why don’t we make ourselves comfortable in the space we are floating/spinning going in? 

And, what if we found something to enjoy about the ride?

(Is that too bright sidey? How else do we get by? Why wouldn’t we create our own light, if we know that we can?!)

The podcast- it’s something we decided to do on complete impulse after a really long while of doing things that made ending up here totally make sense. So was it impulsive? Or was everything that came before just leading up to this?

I'm thankful (and feel what I think is joy??) that we have kept on, and each time we record it's still something I'm looking forward to and not dreading, and that's what I'm focused on these days for all the things, and so I guess we just plan to continue the conversation while we have something to say and the time to say it. 


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