To say I’ve been on edge

To say I’ve been on edge

Is not accurate just like I’m not entirely sure where the edges are in the first place  

Or maybe it’s that I know I’m on the edge but I can’t see far enough to know how much room is left before I fall right off? 

And how far down to the bottom anyway? I mean for all I know I’m two inches off the ground. My heart does not know the difference. 

What is that? Losing my grip? Of something I shouldn’t be holding onto anyway?

Today was dragging. Mondays I’m usually more upbeat but today I wasn’t and I just know it was noticeable and I hate that. But as I’ve set my compass toward being real and not faking my life anymore I’m less likely to try to hide when I’m just not feeling it. I need to get used to this “bad” feeling when I stick up for myself and can not wait for it to not feel like this someday, for me to feel like this is more me. To forget I was ever even like that. 

I came right outside when I got home and watered my plants (something *for me* that also meets my need to be needed but is still good for me & also counts as self care in my opinion.) I discovered three tiny baby tomatoes growing on the tomato plants someone left at the office for anyone to take. I also learned that a very territorial blue Jay is scaring away my hummingbirds! I needed to refill the glass feeder and boiled some sugar water, finagled a way to clean the neck out of a stainless steel straw brush, and spent some good time scrubbing. This is what I needed I thought as I stood over the sink. Why does this feel good right now? Maybe this will be the cure for my weird vibe. 

But I know good and well that I need to stop do-ing and sit still for a minute. 

This right here is a start. 


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